Services for companies doing business in Italy
The nominee director in Italy:
has the mandate to act in the board of directors of the company
has the task to accelerate the registration of the company on behalf of a foreign investor
prepares the annual documents to be deposited by the company at the chamber of commerce (at which there is the register of companies), INPS (employees pension fund), INAIL (employees accident fund), agenzia delle entrate (tax authority) and relevant registers
provides to the competent authorities all required information about the company
signs balance sheet, main administrative fulfillments and company agreements
registers the necessary documents at the relevant authorities
arranges and controls on behalf of the company the commercial transactions

Services for Company in Italy
Accountancy & Company Services
Social Security Representative
Tenders Contracts Subcontracts
Notification of Starting of Activity SCIA
Innovative SME incentives in Italy
Open Bank Account for company in Italy
Restructuring companies services
Bankruptcy & Company Restructuring in Italy
Recovery Plan & Debt Restructuring
Suspension of payments to creditors
Preventive Agreement for Restructuring
Preventive Liquidation Agreement