Corporate & Tax Advisory in Italy
Nominee Director
Company Formation
Commercial Licenses
Accountancy - Tax Returns
VAT Representative - Payroll etc
Business Advisory Services in Italy
We offer assitance to foreign companies exporting, doing investments and bidding for tenders in Italy.
We are a network of professionals consultants expertised in international trade and investments, legal, customs and taxation matters and give consulting and assistance for following activities in Italy:
Our Business Services in Italy
The director of a company in Italy must be resident in Italy or in EU, so that, a non EU investor setting up a company in Italy has to engage a Director already resident in Italy or in EU.
The Nominee Director in Italy:
is an individual resident in Italy
is less expensive than an employee
is a professional not an employee of the newco
is the legal representative of the newco
opens bank account for company
gets release of licenses of the company
signs balance sheet, main administrative fulfillments and company agreements
acts on behalf and in the name of the represented company
We provide the following services:
nominee director (Italian Resident)
registered agent and registered office
companies house
nominee service
For recovering a debt in Italy towards Italian debtor, we provide the following services:
Injunction, Decreto Ingiuntivo
Quotation of applicable Procedure, Timing and Cost of debt recovery in Italy
Debt Collection claim
Damages Compensation claim for Breach of Contract
Sequestration, Seizure
Urgent Measures
Selected network of correspondents lawyers in Italian cities where to start collection
Check of applicable international treaties for execution in Italy of decision issued abroad, exequatur
Execution in Italy of foreign decision ...
A commercial operator who is not resident in Italy, whether from EU or out form EU, who is carring out transactions in the territory of Italy relevant for VAT purposes (eg sales of goods or services), can:
fulfill its obligations to pay VAT in Italy for sales B2C or
do application of VAT reimbursement by:
A) appointing a VAT representative resident in Italy, or alternatively;
B) doing the VAT direct identification in Italy.
Economic operators not resident in Italy:
- who carry out economic activities in Italy or
- which carry out single economic transactions in Italy;
are identified for VAT purposes in Italy in the following cases ...
We provide the following services for real estate investors:
search of information about Seller, i.e. company and cadastral surveys, information on financial status
gathering of Property Documentation, i.e. company surveys and land registry
due Diligence
release of Permits for Construction, Extension, Conversion
drafting and amendments of Purchase or Sale agreements
sending of Documents, Authentication, Translation
search for Financing, Leasing
release of Codice Fiscale
incorporation of a New Company
Corporate Restructuring
quotation of costs for purchase or lease
drafting and amendments of Bank Loan, Rental, Financing agreements
search for Real Estate Financing
legal & taxation adivisory and assistance for construction, acquisition or sale of imoovable property​ ...
For performing economic activity in Italy a foreign investor has to select the suitable kind of company between several ones provided by corporate law in Italy.
The main kind of company chosen by foreign investors is the Società a Responsabilità Limitata (S.R..L.), the limited.
Also for the S.R.L. there are more alternatives, it can be:
a S.R.L. by a solely shareholder
the simplyfied called S.R.L.S. which minimum capital is just € 1
with or without the control body doing the auditing.
We can provide assistance for:
choice of the better kind of company to incorporate;
quotation for incorporation and yearly services fee for accountancy, VAT and tax returns, balance sheet, administrative fulfillments;
find legal seat of the company at cheap cost;
opening of bank account, etc...
A foreign operator planning to export and sale goods in Italy could face any problems when the goods arrive at the customs premises in Italy.
The customs clearance could be suspended by order of the customs authority which could:
do an ispection on documents or on goods;
challenge any omission or wrong formality;
have any doubts on the contents of the customs declaration, i.e.: quality of declared goods, quantity, origin of the goods, price; wrong calculation of customs duties to be paid.
In order to claim an order of suspension of clearance or, worst still, any fine or order of destruction of goods decided by the customs authority or the court, it is necessary to submit a recourse in front of the competent authority (which is not just one) ...
The foreign investor interested to do an investment in Italy by Acquisition of a company or of an amount of shares, needs to know exactly the worth of this company or of its shares and assets.
It is necessary to give mandate to one or to a team of professionals doing the control of accountancy and of all documents of the balance sheet, cadastral data, pending claims at court, the due diligence will be conducted applying the proper professional methods for assessment of a company.
The same mentioned activities must be done in case of: succession, merger, transfer of shares.
We provide the services of:
company assessment
Each foreign investor (business owner, company or individual) incorporating a company or a representative office or a branch or a VAT identification in Italy has to appoint a chartered accountant (in Italy) for the keeping of accounts, record of daily operations such as:
daybook, where to report all daily operations concerning to company transactions;
book inventory containing the evaluation of the company liabilities and assets;
data storage of invoices, letters, telegrams.
These accounting books can be held:
at the seat of the company where the work is performed or
at the seat of the accountant.
All these data are then elaborated for drafting the balance sheet ...
For payment of taxes in Italy it is advisable also for individual, not only for companies, to be assisted by a professional (the commercialista in Italy is a tax consultant licensed to do tax declaration for clients, as well as he performs also accountant activity), this is due to the very complicated forms to fill and calculutation taking in consideration a long list of tax deduction.
The pesonal income tax IRPEF is due for:
self-employment income
employee income
business income
capital income
land income
different income
The corporate taxation is composed by 2 taxes:
IRES which provides different brackets of income and rates
IRAP which is different for each region (in Italy there are 20 regions)
As well as VAT, further smaller taxes are applied by the municipalities ...
The tenders in Italy can be launched by a private or a public entity.
The rules govering the private tender are those of the civil code concerning the Appalto agreement.
The rules about the public tenders are governed by a consolidated text of laws, the Code of Procurements which is constantly changed.
Also rules concerning the subcontracts are different in case of private or public procument.
If a group of company want to set up a temporary consortium, they have to sign a skilled agreement called Associazione Temporanea di Impresa.
We can assist a foreign company wanting to submit a bid for a tender in Italy for:
all formalities and documents to submit to the contracting station
agreements to sign
check the compliance to all applicablle laws and rules
performance bond ...
Considering that the non-EU taxpayers (established out of EU), not resident in Italy, could get VAT refund in Italy only if:
they are resident in a country which subscribed a reciprocity agreement with Italy (Israel, Switzerland, Norway);
if they are residents in those country which has no reciprocity agreements with Italy, they have to ask for VAT reimbursement in Italy only through a tax representative in Italy to be appointed in advance.
We offer the following service:
all procedures to get the reimbursement of VAT for non-EU taxpayers not resident in Italy
and for EU taxpayer too
A new company incorporated in Italy by the notary is existing, but in order to become operative and cash money from sales and make payments to suppliers, it has to open the bank account, since then the company is dormant.
The foreign investor can choose to open:
online bank account with digital bank or
bank account with a traditional bank
The application for opening the bank account has to be done by the director of the company, who is the legal representative too.
If the investor which incorporated the company in Italy has appointed a Nominee Director resident in Italy, he/she has to submit the application for the opening of the bank account and, in case of account with a traditional bank, he/she has to attend in person in front of the direcotr of the bank.
Also the beneficiary shareholder has to attend in person in front of the director of the bank in Italy for the opening of the account ...